Sunday, 27 December 2015

How I wish that my 'Wish' wasn't this!

How I wish that my 'Wish' wasn't this!


Weird? But true!

I am sure this must be the uppermost thought in everyone's mind - Women's safety! No one would disagree with this wish. And in spite of this, one has to wish for it!.

Thursday, 3 December 2015

City Of Traffic Woes!

Recently I came across a post by a Bangalorean, exasperated with the transport issues of the city. I couldn't agree more with everything that was written in there.

I am not from Bangalore. Several previous visits to the city, way back in the last century, had left a fond impression of the place. There was a big gap in between. Then two visits in this one year made me wonder, whether this was the same city?

Wednesday, 18 November 2015


Relatively a new entrant to this world, I am still wandering around wide eyed through the highways and by-lanes of this enchanting space! So many varied topics and such a vast, wide field stretched upto the horizon -- and beyond! I keep hopping and jumping from post of one blogger to the next -- totally forgetting about everything else.

Saturday, 14 November 2015

Rain Splashed Diwali -----

This is how the sky appeared on the eve of Diwali. Unbelievable? At least for me it was a bit difficult to believe that it could pour so hard during Diwali …. It truly was a novel experience.

The festival of lights is celebrated at home every year. There would be visits to relatives and friends, but basically we would be stationed in our home-town. This year we were in another city – Bengaluru, during the festivities.

Right from the day we reached the city, the skies were perpetually clouded and gloomy. Everyone was hopeful that it would clear up by the festival time, but instead, the rains kept increasing from Dhan Teras right through Diwali.

An occasional shower during Deepavali is not absolutely unheard of, but such incessant rain? It was more like the month of July than November.

Along with the heavy rains came all its paraphernalia, too – disrupted electricity supply, mud and slush, pot-holes filled with rain water, traffic jams ……everything in minutest details.

The local newspapers ran pictures of bumper to bumper rows of cars, with all their tail-lights uniformly blazing red, on the jammed roads. It was as if the cars were rejoicing the festival of lights with only the tail-lights glowing brightly in the dark of the night.

On the Lakshmi Pooja day, the rains started receding by late afternoon – it did return the next day, but at the time of Pooja it was all clear and immediately everybody came out to celebrate and burn crackers. Within minutes the darkening skies sparkled with splendid fireworks.

Some locals said that rains during Diwali time are a usual thing in Bengaluru, while others felt that it was because of the sudden atmospheric changes. Whatever may be the reason, it was a different experience and an enjoyable one.

Another – and the true reason for the merriment was ….after almost a decade the family was enjoying the festival together.

Long time back, it was an era of joint family, then came the nuclear families. And now is the time of ‘dispersed families’. Either for education or job or for some such factor, nowadays the members of most of the families are spread over in different corners of country/world. It is not always possible to spend time together or celebrate occasions together due to some reason or the other. So, it is ‘Sone pe suhaga’ when the family is together and the occasion is the grand festival of the year.

Friday, 6 November 2015

Birds of Peace

Birds of Peace

Kabutar ja ja ja”….. No, there is nothing remotely romantic here. It was my last resort, my ultimate plea to these ‘humming’ birds to leave me and my home alone.

Don’t know why we have so many pigeons in our area. Probably that noble soul in the opposite building, who daily insists on spreading a parapet full of grains especially for these birds, is responsible for this. Only if that bird lover had a pair, just a pair, of them residing in his loft…… I’m sure he would never have thought of feeding even a single grain again.

Sunday, 1 November 2015

Weighty Issues ......

Come festive season and the daily newspapers get packed with innumerable advertisements. You name it and it is there -- jewellery, food products, clothes brands, home appliances - electronics, eateries, home décor, malls and supermarts, bridal trousseau ..... the list is endless. And not to forget the full page glossies of the builders and their 'irresistible' festive offers!

Friday, 30 October 2015

Taking Care .....

Among all the animal babies, it is said that the human babies are most vulnerable, helpless and dependent on their parents for a longer duration. They place their complete trust in their parents, so, shouldn't the parents also live up to that trust? 

Monday, 26 October 2015

The Wait (Fiction)

The Wait

Restless, he got up and walked to the window. It had started drizzling. The parched ground was thirstily drinking up the droplets. A cool breeze brought in the aroma of the wet soil. Throwing his head back he inhaled the earthy smell -- she should have been here.

Thursday, 22 October 2015

Vijaya Dashami

Vijaya Dashami And The Tradition Of Exchanging 'Gold'

Vijaya Dashami - the one festival that is celebrated all over India. Each region of India has different ways of celebrating it, different customs and traditions to follow.

There is a particular custom which is observed by the people of Manarashtra - exchanging leaves of a specific tree, which the Maharashtrians call as 'Aptyachi pane' or leaves of Apta tree. The botanical name of the tree being - Bauhinia hookerii. But these leaves are not exchanged as mere leaves but as a token of Gold.  

Tuesday, 20 October 2015

Sarbojanin Durga Puja

Sarbojanin Durga Puja

A mini-Kolkata in our humble neighbourhood.

Our area doesn't boast of any overwhelming Bengali population. So it is a bit surprising yet very nice that a few years ago Kallol Kali Mandir was built here. A very neat and nice place of worship.

Monday, 19 October 2015

Bang Bang

Bang bang......

Once again it is that time of the year when doors go Bang!
No..... it is no anger season. It is just rainy season.....and the season for the wooden doors to get jammed.
Science enters in all its curled up yoga postures to explain this phenomenon as - imbibition. Look, even the dictionary refuses to accept this word and shows up with red underline.  probably doesn't know that it indeed is a phenomenon ..... something to do with -  'living or dead plant cells absorbing water with surface attraction'!  

Thursday, 15 October 2015

Colour Coded .... Navrang!

Colour Coded ..... Navrang!

It is Navratri - nine nights of Garba - Dandiya Ras. And also nine days of Mahalakshmi festival. Each region has a special way of celebrating this festival. Kolkata is famous for its Durga Puja.

Mumbai also has a unique, a very distinct way of celebrating this festival of the Goddess..... Mumbai Navrang. The nine colours of the nine days.

Sunday, 4 October 2015

World Animal Day

World Animal Day 

So it is World Animal Day today. What is the point in glorifying the animals for one day when, for the rest of the 364 days we treat them inhumanly, cruelly. Something  strange -- humans treat animals inhumanly, but the animals don't behave 'inhumanly'. Here, one shouldn't point fingers at the attacks by the wild animals, there isn't any pre-planned motive behind the attacks; it is only instinct, sheer basic instinct - food and hunger. What can they do when their food, their habitat is taken over - without a provision of an alternative.

Friday, 18 September 2015

Om गं गणपतये नमः!

OM  गं गणपतये नमः !

By Asavari Deshpande

So many things have changed over the years, but one thing that did not diminish even by a fraction - my affinity for the 'Aarati's sung during the Ganapati festival. Just as some loud speaker in vicinity starts blaring, my lips automatically follow the words.

Wednesday, 16 September 2015

Train Trivia - 3

Train Trivia - 3

Celebration Time

In this era of Limos and Champagne, writing about trains -- not even Metro, mind you, just plain old Mumbai local trains -- sounds downright down-market.
However, some things do leave some mark somewhere. The world inside a local compartment has a life of its own -- breathing, pulsating, beating every minute of the day.

It need not be always fights and arguments. Sometimes, suddenly amidst the peels of laughter, there are lilting notes of 'Happy Birthday to you .....may God bless you......'

Groups of females, taking the same local to same destination each day - come rain or sunshine - , form a strong bond during the travel. Each lady belonging to a different age group, coming from different social and educational background, working at different places in different capacities, come together during the daily commute and turn into travel buddies.

Such groups, especially those who take the local from its starting point, usually manage to acquire their particular corner of the compartment every day, and can avail the luxury of comfortable journey. (Lucky females, because, those who get in at later points, have to manage by standing on one foot  :P )
Usually, the chatter doing rounds is about domestic and professional highs and lows. but if it is a special occasion, then it is properly -- as properly as is possible in an overflowing, running train -- celebrated. A small cake is magically produced and unveiled, then out come the paper plates and disposable spoons or forks. There are also packets of other munchies. Pre-cooled soft drink bottles are opened with a fizz and disposable glasses are raised in a toast to the birthday girl - Cheers!  

Not everyone can be a part of these celebrations, most of the crowd plays the role of an onlooker. However, just witnessing a happy occasion makes the morning a pleasant one for everyone around.

Not only birthdays, but some other functions, too, are carried out with all the traditional aplomb. Especially Haldi-Kumkum. Its a Maharashtrian custom. At the time of Makar Sankranti (ie Pongal in South India and Lohri in North India), Suvasini  or married women are invited at home. (A tradition to honour the married status of a woman). Their foreheads are adorned with Kumkum and Haldi tilaks. Flowers, Itr, special sweet, Tilgud, ladoos of sesame and jaggery, are offered to the invited women. Then a small token gift - Vaan - , usually some useful household item, is given to the Suvasinis. 

The train ladies don't let the lack of time or opportunity stop them from enjoying the customs. Haldi-Kumkum with all its essential ingredients is observed in the bogey of the racing train. Some even introduce few innovations - the gifts given are not identical for everyone. Chits for each gift article is placed in a bowl for a lucky draw. So each one enjoys a surprise gift item. Everything ends up in a lot of laughter and merry making. 


Monday, 31 August 2015

Train Trivia - 2. Spontaneous Patriotism

Train Trivia - 2: Spontaneous Patriotism.

Crowd in a local train at peak office hours is nothing new in Mumbai. Many times I feel that 'Breath - taking' is a word more apt for the insides of Mumbai's locals than any beautiful scene etc.

So, where breathing itself is difficult and everyone is carrying their own burden of tensions and frustrations while hurrying to catch the muster; it is no surprise that tempers fly high under such circumstances.

Though each person knows it very well that the one standing next is not pushing or poking on purpose, still, sometimes the discomfort does erupt in the form of a grumbling or complain. One thing leading to another, it doesn't take long for an argument to ensue.


During one such argument, in a fit of absolute anger, one of the arguing party shouted, "So terrible! Such ridiculous things can happen only in India!"

That did it! Every single female in that crowd forgot her own pressures, tensions -- everything. All of them literally pounced on that one female, who, I'm sure, inadvertently uttered the words 'in India'. But that was sufficient to start a terrible tirade. 'O Madam, take you words back!', 'Don't stand here if you are not an Indian!',  'Aww, if India is that bad, what are you doing here? Why don't to go back to YOUR own country ...wherever it is!'

That spontaneous patriotism really was a thing to experience!

Wednesday, 26 August 2015

Train Trivia

Train Trivia - 1

Many memories of train travels. No, not the long distance travels, but the daily commutes -  in the local trains. The local trains of Mumbai are a world in its own right !

It is already infamous for many nefarious things like chain snatching, fatal accidents, too much (where the term 'too much' proves absolutely inadequate) crowd, crime against women....... the list is long.
Every single thing is true, and yet -- it has its tender, sometimes bitter-sweet moments, too!

So much of a day's time is spent in those jam-packed cauldrons carrying humanity, that it is a short-time home-on-wheels for many. And they do make the train-travel a significant part of their lives, celebrate some important moments there. 

Saturday, 4 July 2015

Elegance .....

Elegance .......

Whenever I close my eyes or try to think of something, anything .......the first image that comes to mind is --- the graceful flight of egrets and their slow, perfect landing on the opposite tree.

The skies laden with dark, crowded rainy clouds, about to burst open, and a lone white egret hurrying back to its nest against this thick grey background.

The egret looks especially spectacular against this darkness. And the slow grace with which it touches down on its perch! .....long, white wings gliding, cruising along the wind......

Moments ......

Moments ......

Often some random thoughts cross our minds - just fleetingly.

They aren't ...... they need not be, any great pearls of wisdom. it could be only a passing moment, or some unknown feeling or a bemused reflection of some odd observation........

It could be anything. but at that particular moment it may appear important or something you instantly identify with. It need not be even passing or temporary ......may linger in mind for quite some period.

Always positive, good, beautiful, ethereal .... ? No, not necessarily.
So then, exactly what? can't define. Just random thoughts .........

Image Courtesy: Omkar.

A Quote I Like........

A Quote I Like ........

             Here was an old owl who lived in an oak,

             the more he heard, the less he spoke,

             the less he spoke, the more he heard.

             O, if men were all like that wise bird 

Image courtesy: morgueFile.